Vestment Registry
Our Registry allows friends and family to make a gift towards the next vestments we make for one of the seminarians, priests, or bishops who by now are friends of Klave Centesca.
This solves the problem of what to get them for a birthday, Christmas or Easter present! And, it allows everyone to have a part in the process helping them be well fitted to serve at the altar.
It works like a Gift Certificate, and we notify the priest every time a sum is added to their particular fund so the next project can be started. You can also choose to be notified to see what is made thanks to your contribution as it comes along!
You may be contributing enough for just one yard of fabric, or just one stole, perhaps just for a chasuble, or a whole set, but every bit counts and is of great help, for bit by bit it adds up and great things come of it.
We all give token gifts throughout the year to the people we care for, priests included, so consider gifting towards the things they will use to serve God and His Church for many years to come! That they fit and be one-of-a-kind pieces, testament of our common faith and devotion is Klave Centesca's commitment.
If you would like for us to start a fund for your church or self, let us know here, and we'll set it up. We can make great things when we all work together in service to our Lord!